
Ce face PD-ul pentru putere

Nu ma aasteptam sa se ajunga chiar aici, dar PD-ul se pare ca a falsificat semnaturile de pe Motiunea de cenzura de azi.
Gheorghe Flutur semneaza de 2 ori la distanta de cateva randuri. Cat de dobitoc sa fie Flutur asta sa isi faca semnatura de doua ori pe acelasi act. Sau poate ca nu e chiar dobitoc si cei care au intocmit actul au facut cel mai mare fals din istoria PD-ului.


Via Piticu

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Manea anti Basescu

In sfarsit si o manea anti Basescu, dupa ce acum cateva saptamani manelistii au facut o manea pro Basescu. Ce repede se schi9mba manelistii astia....

Versurile pentru maneaua anti Basescu:

Basescu, ne-ai aratat
Ca nu mai esti rafinat
Ca vorbesti cu toti urat
Si nu-ti pasa cine sunt.
Te-ai luat de biata fata
Si ti-ai pus pe-obraz o pata
I-ai zis ca e imputita
De-a plecat biata jignita.
Ai facut-o si tiganca
Zici c-ati stat
pe-aceeasi banca.
Ai tupeu si nu ti-e frica
Esti prea smecher, pasarica.

Gasiti vreo continuare buna?

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Google and Yahoo don't care about the Memorial Day

The two Internet giants, Google and Yahoo, didn't celebrate the Memorial Day as we expected because there was no commemorative doodle placed on their official pages. Every once in a while, the Mountain View and the Sunnyvale companies are replacing their famous logos with new ones meant to celebrate certain holidays. However, both Google and Yahoo refused to modify the logos and kept the original ones, showing a little indifference to the Memorial Day.

"Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May (observed this year on 2007-05-28). It was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who have died in military service to their country. It began first to honor Union soldiers who died during the American Civil War. After World War I, it expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. One of the longest standing traditions is the running of the Indianapolis 500, which has been held in conjunction with Memorial Day since 1911," Wikipedia describes the holiday.

One of the latest holidays celebrated by the two companies was Earth's Day, when both Google and Yahoo created amazing logos to honor it. However, the most impressive doodle ever used by the Mountain View company was published on Valentine's Day and showed quite a weird Google logo. Although it was meant to show a strawberry coated in chocolate, the resulting word was "Googe" instead of Google, making the Internet publications think that the company's employees made a serious mistake. The company's officials responded to the criticism the next day, saying that the logo showed the original name of the company without any mistake.

If you want to view all the doodles used by Google as the official logo of the company, you can find them on this link.

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Better than Google? Creator thinks so

Google is keeping a close eye on a small, suburban Melbourne start-up that claims to be developing a search engine that improves on the world leader.

MyLiveSearch, which plans to go live as a public beta in a few weeks, is the brainchild of self-taught software developer Rob Gabriel.

Mr Gabriel, 35, says his search engine gives better, more relevant results than the search king because it is a truly "live" search.

Google's search engine works by building a vast index of web pages, via automated "spiders" that crawl through billions of web pages a year. However this represents only a fraction of the enormous, sprawling internet, and the index can never be entirely up to date.

Yahoo! search and (despite its name) Microsoft's Live search work the same way.

MyLiveSearch is fundamentally different. It works through a small browser plug-in. The search terms are put through Google, or other indexed search databases, but those results are treated as "starting points" alongside the user's bookmarks and other popular web hubs.

From there, the live search takes over, crawling through hundreds of web pages connected to those starting points in search of more information relevant to the search.

Mr Gabriel says the results come back in seconds, and are almost always richer, more detailed and more useful than a standard, index-based search. His product can also search the so-called "invisible web" of dynamically-generated web pages that search engines have trouble indexing.

"This has the potential to change the way people search the internet," he said. "Google can't search every page every day (to build its index). The web is so dynamic and changes so often - MyLiveSearch turns your own computer into a 'super-spider' to search it in real time.

"This technology could be snapped onto any of the major search engines and improve them."

A Google business development representative has met with the MyLiveSearch team at least twice - once when the technology was at a very early stage, and again last week after Next made inquiries about Google's interest in the project.

Google did not want to comment on MyLiveSearch, except in general terms.

"We're really keen to support Australian developers and IT entrepreneurs," spokesman Rob Shilkin said. "Google Maps was a small Aussie start-up. And Google itself started as two guys in a garage."

The company has a history of acquiring technology that might help a competitor. In April last year Google bought the rights to an advanced text-search algorithm invented by University of NSW student Ori Allon. Mr Allon, 26, was given a job at Google's headquarters at Mountain View, California.

Mr Gabriel said the meeting last week inspired him to go to Silicon Valley next month to spruik his technology. "It started as a dream and the dream is slowly developing into a reality far greater than all my expectations," he said.

Mr Gabriel has worked on MyLiveSearch for two years, along with his younger brother, Mark, and systems engineer Mende Jurukovski - though the original idea came to him 10 years ago.

Live search is one solution. Despite Google's immense computing resources, the ranging "googlebot" cannot track updates to the web in real time.

The more popular websites are "recrawled" more frequently. Outside the net mainstream, however, visits from the Googlebot are more rare. Even sites that are actively trying to promote themselves can take weeks or even months to turn up on Google's index.

Some estimate that even Google has only indexed less than a fifth of the internet.

One solution to this problem is "live indexing", where pages are submitted to the search engine and instantly indexed.

Another solution is ad-hoc distributed web crawling. The open source Nutch project hopes that tens, hundreds or even thousands of Nutch-powered, specialised web search engines could combine into an index more comprehensive than any single proprietary site.

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Linkuri pe gratis

O idee foarte buna pentru a obtine linkuri pe gratis

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Se fac bani buni cu Adsense

Am gasit aici a lista cu cei care scot cei mai multi bani din Google Adsense.

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Cascadorie cu bicicleta

Oare cat antrenament ii trebuie ca sa faca asta?

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Calendar bacalaureat 2007

Calendar Bacalaureat 2007:
1-11 mai 2007 - inscrierea candidatilor
15 iunie 2007 - incheierea cursurilor pentru clasa a XII-a
25-26 iunie 2007 - limba si literatura romana - proba orala
26-27 iunie 2007 - limba si literatura materna - proba orala
27-28 iunie 2007 - limba si literatura moderna - proba orala
29 iunie 2007 - limba si literatura romana – proba a) - proba scrisa
2 iulie 2007 - limba si literatura materna - proba c) - proba scrisa
3 iulie 2007 - proba obligatorie a profilului - proba d) - proba scrisa
4 iulie 2007 - o proba la alegere din aria curriculara corespunzatoare specializarii - proba e) - proba scrisa sau practica
5 iulie 2007 - o proba la alegere dintre disciplinele din celelalte arii curriculare - proba f) - proba scrisa sau practica
7 iulie 2007 - afisarea rezultatelor (pana la ora 16) si depunerea contestatiilor
8-9 iulie 2007 - rezolvarea contestatiilor
10 iulie 2007 - afisarea rezultatelor finale
27-28 iunie 2007 - limba ?i literatura modern? - prob? oral?
29 iunie 2007 - limba ?i literatura rom?n? – proba a) - prob? scris?
2 iulie 2007 - limba ?i literatura matern? - proba c) - prob? scris?
3 iulie 2007 - proba obligatorie a profilului - proba d) - prob? scris?
4 iulie 2007 - o prob? la alegere din aria curricular? corespunz?toare specializ?rii - proba e) - prob? scris? sau practic?
5 iulie 2007 - o prob? la alegere dintre disciplinele din celelalte arii curriculare - proba f) - prob? scris? sau practic?
7 iulie 2007 - afi?area rezultatelor (p?n? la ora 16) ?i depunerea contesta?iilor
8-9 iulie 2007 - rezolvarea contesta?iilor
10 iulie 2007 - afi?area rezultatelor finale

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Bacalaureat 2007 cu subiecte la liber

Pe 25 iunie - in mai putin de o luna deci - incepe bacalaureatul, iar absolventii de liceu intra in focuri. Ca aproape in fiecare an, ceva se schimba. In 2007, ministrul Hardau a dezlegat „secretul subiectelor” si toate variantele de probe pe care trebuie sa le parcurga absolventii de liceu sunt „free” pe internet. Acesta masura anti-frauda ii multumeste pe elevi, dar si pe profesori, care spun ca in sfarsit au „pe ce” sa munceasca cu elevii.

Examenul de maturitate, cum i se mai spune in popor bacalaureatului, este deocamdata singurul instrument de evaluare a rezultatului celor 12 ani de scoala prin care trece un elev.

Agentia Romana de Asigurare a Calitatii in Invatamantul Preuniversitar (ARACIP) nu are inca niciun studiu despre cat de bine sunt pregatiti elevii, cu toate ca legea spune ca o data la trei ani, fiecare scoala ar trebui sa treaca printr-un proces de evaluare.

In momentul de fata, ARACIP - alaturi de ceilalti factori implicati in sistemul de educatie - lucreaza la definirea termenului de calitate in invatamant si inca nu se poate problema unui studiu national despre cat de eficienta este scoala romaneasca.

Andrei Marga, presedintele Consiliului Academic al Universitatii „Babes Bolyai” si fost ministru al Educatiei, spune ca din moment ce metodologia de bacalaureat se modifica de la an la an, nu ne putem face inca o idee daca in Romania se face scoala.

„Exista o problema a relevantei disciplinei intrucat materiile de bacalaureat se schimba aproape de la an la an. Fiecare ministru vine si isi pune amprenta asupra metodologiei si organizarii examenului de bacalaureat. Ar trebui sa existe o stabilitate.
Rezultatul acestor examene nu ajuta generatiile decat sa se masoare cu ele insele si nu in raport cu celelalte, si din aceasta cauza nu putem vedea daca invatamantul are sau nu parte de o evolutie in ceea ce priveste calitatea”, a declarat Marga.

Instabilitatea, spune fostul ministru, este o problema si in cazul organizarii examenului. „Seriozitatea organizarii examenului este si ea o problema. La noi, metodologia de organizare se schimba in functie de gustul ministrului. Nu e important daca subiectele sunt sau nu publicate pe internet, important este ca programa sa fie respectata".

Profesorii sunt insa ceva mai linistiti in acest an. „Eu m-am apucat deja sa lucrez cu ei si am ajuns, in acest moment sa ii urc pe toti la nota 6” a declarat presedintele asociatiei EduCer, Stefan Vlaston, care preda matematica la un liceu bucurestean.

Din cate spune el, postarea pe internet a subiectelor va avea numai efecte pozitive, pentru ca „fiecare va sti ce are de facut”.

„Atat profesorii, cat si elevii au o tinta clara, dar asta nu inseamna ca in acest an se vor lua note mai mari. Partea buna este ca se elimina tentativele de fraudare a examenului si multi dintre elevi se vor apuca de invatat incercand sa rezolve subiectele de bac”, spune Vlaston.

Profesorul spune ca daca in fiecare sala de examen ar fi chemat un politist, nici elevii si nici profesorii n-ar mai incerca sa fraudeze examenul: "prezenta la examen a unui reprezentant al comunitatii locale ar rezolva aceasta situatie".

„Copii de elita pierd fiindca publicarea pe internet a probelor strica surpriza, dar asa toti se vor pregati mai bine”, constata dascalul.

Bacalaureatul 2006 a fost, de departe, cel mai fraudat examen. La Bucuresti, o ziarista sustinea ca a cumparat subiectele de pe strada, iar in tara, in mai multe licee, profesorii, elevii si parintii au platit bani buni pe variante de subiecte.

Constanta, spre exemplu, a avut in 2006 un procent de promovabilitate de 93%, iar zvonurile spuneau ca acesta ar fi meritul „supraveghetorilor distrati”.

Fraudarea Bacalaureatului 2006 este si motivul care l-a determinat pe fostul ministru, Mihail Hardau, sa aplice si el o „corectie” sistemului de invatamant: postarea pe internet a tuturor variantelor de subiecte de bacalaureat.

„Principala masura luata pentru a impiedica fraudarea examenelor a fost aceea de a pune, la liber, subiectele pe internet. Astfel, nimeni nu mai are de ce sa incerce sa cumpere variantele de subiecte pentru examen”, a declarat pentru HotNews.ro Daniel Tomoni, purtator de cuvant in cadrul Ministerului Educatiei.

Acesta spune ca, in rest, regulamentul ramane neschimbat. „Oricum se va gasi cineva care sa incerce sa copieze sau sa forteze pentru o nota mai mare, dar sa speram ca acest tip de incidente vor fi impiedicate”, a mai spus Tomoni.

Sursa: Hotnews.

Calendar Bacalaureat 2007

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The Most Powerful Natural Poison - 5 pounds will wipe the uman population

This is the most dangerous naturally occurring toxin: the Botulinum toxin.

It is the trademark of Clostridium botulinum bacterium and less than 2 kg (5 pounds) would be enough to wipe out the whole human population. Even so, in extremely small amounts, this toxin has medical and cosmetic employments, under the name of Botox.

Now the genome of this deadly bacterium has been decoded. It appears that C. botulinum doesn't possess methods to cope with the human immune system or the antibiotics. The bacterium lives as a dormant spore or as an active scavenger of decaying soil animal matter, and cannot interact with human or other large animal hosts for longer periods of time.

When the bacteria manage to enter a living animal, through contaminated food or open wounds, it triggers botulism, a severe infection that can easily kill children. If the bacteria manage to kill the host with their toxin, they get a new food source. "Although in the same group as Clostridium difficile - the Cdiff superbug - C. botulinum has a genome that is remarkable because it is so stable. Unlike Cdiff, in which more than 10% of genes have been acquired from other bacteria, there is almost no footprint of these in C. botulinum.", commented lead author Dr Mohammed Sebaihia.

Several strains of C. botulinum are known, and even if they are described as a unique species, they are very different bugs with just one thing in common: the botulinum toxin.

And each strain has a harmless relative missing the toxin, grouped as C. sporogenes. "43% of the predicted genes in the C. botulinum genome are absent from the other five sequenced clostridia, and only 16% of the C. botulinum genes are common to all five.", explained Professor Mike Peck, from the Institute of Food Research.

Botulinum toxin is neurotoxic: it stops nerves, inducing death (this is also the mechanism by means of which the wrinkles' muscles relax).

Over 110 of the bacterium's 3700 genes are involved in controlling spore formation and germination, enabling the bacterium to hibernate and attack when opportunity comes along. "Some organisms use subtle approaches, elegantly choreographing their interaction with us and our defenses. C. botulinum takes the opposite approach. It lies in wait and, if it gets the opportunity, it hits its host with a microbial sledgehammer. It then eats the remains and lays low until the next host comes along.", explained Dr Julian Parkhill of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

This bacterium was also found to possess unique genes that allow it to digest the chitin exoskeleton of the insects and other arthropods (like spiders and small crustaceans) encountered in the soil. "It is not only animals that can feel the wrath of C. botulinum. The soil can be a harsh environment and food can be scarce. To see off the competition, C. botulinum comes with its own 'antibiotic' - a chemical called boticin that kills competing bacteria.", explained Sebaihia.

"We have developed a highly efficient system, the ClosTron, with which we have, in a few months, knocked out over 30 genes in four different clostridial species, including eight in C. botulinum. The availability of this tool should revolutionize functional genomic studies in clostridia.", said Nigel Minton, Professor of Applied Molecular Microbiology at the University of Nottingham, the developer of this method.

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Cristian Mungiu este acuzat de plagiat

Nici nu a apucat Cristian Mungiu sa-si savureze Marele Premiu obtinut la Cannes, ca la adresa lui a aparut prima contestatie. Prozatorul Dan Mihu il acuza pe Cristian Mungiu de copierea ideii care sta la baza filmului "4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile". Anul trecut, Dan Mihu a participat la concursul de scenarii organizat de HBO, cu o lucrare avand un subiect similar cu cel al filmului lui Mungiu. In urma jurizarii, scenariul lui Mihu a fost declarat castigator, iar printre membrii juriului care au evaluat lucrarile inscrise s-a numarat si Cristian Mungiu. Nici regizorul premiat la Cannes si nici producatorul sau nu dat nici un raspuns presei la acuzele lui Mihu.

Citeste scenariul si cateva cronici ale lucrarii "Sa iubesti si sa tragi apa" scrise de Dan Mihu

In cursul zilei de luni, Mihu a transmis un mail catre mai multi reprezentanti ai presei, in care il acuza pe Cristian Mungiu ca a „a preluat exact tema propriului meu scenariu, premiat chiar de domnia-sa in vara anului trecut la concursul de scenarii originale HBO 2006”.

„E foarte putin probabil ca acest subiect sa fie tratat de doi barbati in acelasi timp, mai ales ca este o tema pe care femeile ar intelege-o mult mai usor. Stiu ca voi fi considerat ranchiunos si frustrat, insa vreau sa-mi fac publica opinia” a declarat Mihu.

Acesta considera ca cea mai potrivita atitudine ar fi fost ca Cristian Mungiu sa-l contacteze pentru a prelua idei din scenariu, sau, mai mult, pentru a-l dezvolta impreuna.

In opinia lui Mihu, una din secventele de mare impact din film il constituie imaginea violenta a unui avorton abandonat in baie, scena care se regaseste si in filmul lui Cristi Mungiu. (Hotnews)

Se pare ca romanii tot romani raman, nu stiu ce sa cred, dar nu este exclus ca, Cristian Mungiu sa se fi inspirat cat de cat, voit sau nu...

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Apple Store Visited By a Horde Of Brain-Eating Zombies

At the end of last week, Apple’s San Francisco's downtown Retail Store was the scene of a rather gruesome event, involving the undead. A roaming group of zombies assaulted the store, hunting for brains, scaring customers and gnawing on iMacs. Apparently, the Apple Store employees had no problem with the zombies, welcoming them and taking part in the antics.

Part of an event titled "SF Zombie Mob 2007," and organized by the people at eatbrains.com, the zombie group was similar to a flash mob and took place at the same time as the Critical Mass bicycle ride. There were quite a number of participants who made their way across the streets engaging in various zombie antics, which typically revolve around looking scary, eating brains and losing various body parts along the way. Despite sounding rather messy, the event was quite polite and only passers-by that volunteered were subjected to zombie-fication.
The number of people participating is unknown but estimated above150. After crossing the shopping district, the mob decided to converge on Union Square after which they shuffled through the nearby businesses. These included Apple store, Nordstrom, the Disney store and the Westfield Mall.

Both Westfield Mall and Disney security tried to prevent the zombies from entering their establishments, but the Apple Store made no such efforts. Despite sampling the Apple offerings, the zombies ultimately decided that brains were better and returned to the basics of their diet.
The Apple Store salespeople seemed to be enjoying the event, jostling one another for positions where they could take photos of the zombies and getting their brains eaten or having photographs taken of them in zombies' company.
It seems that Apple has no problems with the dead, as long as they don’t log onto MySpace and vacate the premises in a timely manner.

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Google and Yahoo Fight with Devastating Weapons

If any of you believes that Google and Yahoo are just two simple companies that are challenging one another with their products, I'm sorry to tell you that you're wrong. Google and Yahoo are currently the Internet giants that are offering the best technologies in their categories but also manage to attract the majority of customers, making the other firms' attempts quite useless. Take the example of Ask.com that is somehow made anonymous as Google and Yahoo captured most of the Internet searches. However, a lot of companies announced their intentions to develop similar products and challenge the two Goliaths.

At this time, the most important chapter of the battle is surely represented by the fight between the two mail solutions owned by the companies. Most of the users are describing Gmail as the most efficient mail product on the Internet because it offers a large file storage capacity, efficient spam filters and POP3 support. The same category of users is often criticizing Yahoo Mail for weak filters, bugs and for instability. However, the recent studies revealed that Yahoo Mail managed to beat Gmail, the Google mail product not being even close to the Sunnyvale company's solution. Hotmail, one of the oldest mail services on the Internet earned the second position, relegating Gmail right on the third place.

However, the most recent battle involves two unexpected products: Google Maps and Yahoo Maps. While the search giant is famous for its service and the high-resolution photos that it offers, Yahoo intends to make its map solution competitive for Google. Recently, Yahoo added a considerable number of detailed pictures for numerous European countries.

You're probably asking yourself what's up with the title. Well, Google and Yahoo managed to revolutionize the Internet life because their solutions – the search engine and the Yahoo portal – are currently helping people find their information easier and get whatever they want.

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Accident prin Bucuresti...Funny

Nu radeti prea mult...

via Piticu

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Derren Brown - Absolut senzational

Derren Brown este unic si neimitabil. Priviti cateva momente cu el, chiar merita...

Ruleta ruseasca

Ii ia lu unu mobilul si ceasul fara ca ala sa isi dea seama

O explicatie la ce se intampla mai sus:

BMX Bike

Subliminal Advertising

Derren Brown invinge 9 maestrii la sah in acelasi timp

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Angelina Jolie este cea mai frumoasa mamica

Potrivit unui top realizat de o revista din China, Angelina Jolie este cea mai frumoasa mamica de la Hollywood.

Frumoasa actrita se poate mandri cu patru copii, din care vietnamezul Pax Thien, cambogianul Maddox si etiopianca Zahara sunt adoptati, iar micuta Shiloh este fiica ei biologica pe care o are impreuna cu celebrul actor Brad Pitt. Insa calitatile materne ale Angelinei nu se opresc aici: actrita are de gand sa mai adopte inca un copil din Africa. Astfel, vedeta de la Hollywood isi merita pe deplin titlul, avand in vedere ca spre deosebire de alte colege de breasla care isi pierd timpul prin cluburi si distrandu-se, actrita isi dedica timpul liber si intreaga avere copiilor sai.

Din top nu lipsesc nici Katie Holmes, Nicole Kidman sau Julia Roberts. Surpriza o constituie Kate Winslet, care ocupa chiar locul doi in clasamentul celei mai frumoase mamici, desi nu a afisat mereu o silueta de invidiat.

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YouTube Is Useless! The Candidates Are Still Turning to TV!

The 2008 US Presidential candidates are now turning to the old-fashioned TV to create their campaigns and attract a positive public opinion. Although the online video sharing service YouTube struggled to become a new type of television, its efforts were quite useless as most candidates are now attracted by the classic TV. According to the Concord Monitor, Mitt Romney, one of the candidates, invested no less than $4 million in adverts that are meant to be displayed on TV. The decision is quite obvious as the entire audience can be easily lured by displaying advertising campaigns on TVs in the entire country.

"All the talk about the internet and YouTube, the (candidates) who are performing best in the polls are the ones putting their money on old fashioned television spots," said Evan Tracey, chief operating officer at TNSMI/Campaign Media Analysis Group, a company that tracks political advertising, according to the same source.

This decision is quite obvious, because YouTube remains a service accessible only to the users connected to the Internet while most of the country's residents own at least one TV. "Romney spent $2 million in the first three months of the campaign on introductory ads that stressed his biography. This month, he ramped up his advertising, spending about the same amount on ads in New Hampshire, Iowa and on national cable. He also chose to be on the air in May, a sweeps month when networks aim to attract most of their viewers," the Concord Monitor added.

YouTube was acquired by Google in October 2006 for $1.6 billion. Since the acquisition, numerous companies have accused the search giant for copyright infringement after the users published videos without their approval. The most well known lawsuit was filed by Viacom, MTV's owner that also requested $1 billion in damages.

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Attacking Vista from All Angles

Attacking Windows Vista from all possible angles is perhaps the best way to describe the testing process associated with the Secure Development Lifecycle. Microsoft feels secure enough on the infrastructure of the operating system that it is touting Windows Vista as the most secure Windows platform. A major contributor to this status quo is the SDL. According to James A. Whittaker, Microsoft Security Architect, the Redmond Company implemented a three-pronged strategy during security testing. The company assessed the security level of the application's environment, the applications themselves and the adjacent functionality.

The relationship between environment and application is by no means predefined, on the contrary, it is subjected to variation. This is why during SDL testing, Microsoft has directed attacks at the components of the operating system, from the runtime libraries to the registry keys. "We train our testers to map out the environment, identify components subject to modification or variation and test as many configurations of these as possible. These attack scenarios are recognition that our applications work in unpredictable environments where we have to work out the trust relationships very carefully. It takes only one insecure component to put an entire machine or network at risk. We need to ensure that our own applications work securely despite the presence of these environment insecurities," Whittaker revealed.

Testing the application is synonymous with verifying program behavior when confronted with a range of malicious inputs. Microsoft tested Windows Vista against repeated exploits and targeted attacks. The testing scenarios involved a suite of known and documented malformed inputs. Windows Vista suffered intensive bombardment from malicious code, scripts, SQL queries, long strings and other such items. "Large scale automated testing comes into play here in a big way. Our goal is for our applications to be able withstand targeted and sustained attacks – whether it’s a regression suite of past and potential exploits or fuzz testing using both random or format-aware logic," Whittaker explained.

Last but not least, Vista's functionality also came under scrutiny. The bottom line is that Microsoft ensured that it has bulletproofed the operating system against attacks designed to exploit its features. "We must look at our application’s functionality and ask whether any of it can be ‘turned against itself.’ Are there ways that the software can be easily misconfigured?" Whittaker said. "Can security features be circumvented? Is there some function whose purpose is benign and even useful that under certain circumstances has undesirable consequences? A feature-by-feature assessment is necessary to ensure we’ve covered all the bases. "

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Topul vedetelor prezente in fantezii sexuale

Revista Glamour a realizat in urma unui sontaj, pe un esantion de 1200 de persoane de gen feminin, topul celebritatilor prezente in fanteziile sexuale, informeaza metro.co.uk. Majoritatea persoanelor intervievate au declarat ca si-au imaginat cum ar fi sa faca sex cu o celebritate.

Pe primul loc in preferintele cititoarelor s-a clasat actorul din “Ocean’s 13”, Brad Pitt. Acesta a fost urmat de actorul Johnny Depp, binecunoscut pentru rolul interpretat in “Piratii din Caraibe” si Daniel Craig, ultimul “James Bond”.

Cantaretul Justin Timberlake si actorul irlandez Collin Farrell au fost au fost votati ca fiind cele mai populare vedete.

Sondajul a cuprins si preferintele doamnelor privind vedetele sexului frumos! Pe primul loc s-a clasat actrita Angelina Jolie, fiind urmata de prezentatoarea britanica de televiziune Fearne Cotton si supermodelul Kate Moss.

De asemenea, in aceasta lista au fost mentionate si Christina Aguilera, Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson si actrita din “Desperate Housewives”, Marcia Cross.

Un purtator de cuvant al revistei Glamour a declarat: “Cu toate ca am pus intrebari tipice, am primit numeroase rapunsuri picante. Un numar mare de femei au avut fantezii sexuale cu celebritati de gen feminin. In ceea ce priveste fanteziile cu barbati, majoritatea sunt vedete renumite la Hollywood.”

Potrivit sondajului, 93 la suta dintre femei au avut fantezii sexuale, insa 57 la suta din acestea nu au avut curajul sa le dezvaluie partenerilor lor acest lucru. Una din cinci femei a avut fantezii sexuale cu o alta persoana de gen feminin, 17 la suta s-au gandit cum ar fi sa faca sex cu prietenele lor si 27 la suta si-au imaginat cum ar fi sa joace intr-un film porno.

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Forbes: Topul celor mai bine platite meserii din SUA

Putini sunt parintii care nu se mandresc cu nurorile sau ginerii lor doctori. In Romania, unde medicii sunt platiti prost, o fac mai mult pentru prestigiu. In America insa, este in mare parte vorba de bani. Fie ei chirurgi sau internisti, cu totii ocupa primele pozitii in topul celor mai bine platite meserii, realizat de revista Forbes. La polul opus se gasesc cei care lucreaza in fast food-uri si coafezele.

Cei mai bine platiti sunt chirurgii. In America, ei castiga in medie peste 180 de mii de dolari pe an. Sunt urmati de anestezisti, carora le revin, anual, aproximativ 175 de mii de dolari, si de ginecologi.

Pe locul 4, chirurgii care fac operatii maxilo-faciale. Acestia primesc un pic sub 170 de mii de dolari, cu 15 mii de dolari mai mult decat medicii internisti, care trateaza nechirurgical organele interne.

Pe locul 6, tehnicienii dentari. Ei catiga anual in jur de 157 de mii de dolari.

Pe 7, medicii ortodontisti, care primesc 153 de mii de dolari, iar pe 8, psihiatrii, cu 151 de mii de dolari.

Clasamentul este spart de reprezentantul unei alte profesii. Este vorba de directorii executivi. Ei castiga in medie aproape 141 de mii de dolari, un pic mai mult decat locul 10, pe care se claseaza tot halatele albe, mai exact pediatrii.

Printre reprezentantii altor specialitati decat cele medicale se mai numara: pilotii, pe locul 13, cu 134 de mii de dolari pe an, avocatii, pe 16, cu aproximativ 110 mii de dolari si inginerii, pe 17, cu 104 mii.

Pe ultimele pozitii in top 20 se afla controlorii de trafic aerian, specialistii IT si specialistii in marketing, cu 100 de mii de dolari.

Codasii salarizarii

La polul opus, in topul celor care sunt platiti foarte prost, conduc cei care prepara mancarea la fast food-uri. Acestia primesc, pe an, de 10 ori mai putin decat un psihiatru, adica 15 mii de dolari.

Pe locul 2, tot angajatii din fast food-uri, dar de data asta este vorba de cei care servesc mancarea, iar pe 3, ajutoarele de barmani.

Cei care spala vasele stau mai bine in clasament. Ei castiga anual aproape 16 mii de dolari pe an si se situeaza pe locul 4, o pozitie mai sus decat chelneri.

Cine lucreaza intr-un salon de coafat, unde spala parul clientelor, primeste 16 mii de dolari pe an, cu cateva sute de dolari mai putin decat un angajat intr-un cazinou.

Pe pozitiile 8 si 9 se afla cei care servesc in localuri, la tejghea, si hostess-ele. Sunt recompensati cu sume care ajung la 16.300 de dolari pe an.

In topul celor mai prost platiti angajati se afla si fermierii, casierii si barmanii. Toti castiga in jur de 17 mii de dolari pe an, in timp ce salvamarii si persoanele care au grija de batrani primesc cu o mie de dolari mai mult.

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Programul marilor show-uri de moda ale anului

Prezentarile de moda sunt evenimentele care aduna cei mai multi membri ai high-life-ului. Indiferent de tara in care sunt organizate. Si unde e moda, e si lux. Anul 2007 se anunta ca fiind unul plin de astfel de evenimente de moda, Paris si Milano fiind gazdele a celor mai multe dintre ele. HotNews.ro va prezinta calendarul celor mai importante prezentari de moda din intreaga lume.

Incepand din 9 mai si pana pe 5 august 2007, in New York - la Met Store - are loc expozitia Poiret: King of Fashion.

Duminica, 24 iunie 2007, la Milano are loc Saptamana Modei pentru Barbati

Marti, 29 iunie 2007, la Paris are loc Saptamana Modei pentru Barbati

Intre 4-7 iulie 2007, la Paris are loc Saptamana Modei: Haute-couture

12-15 iulie, la Berlin: Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week (www.mercedes-benzfashionweek.com)

Vineri 10 august 2007 - Festivalul de Moda de la Sydney

Vineri 14 septembrie 2007 - Hong Kong: Saptamana de Lux

Intre 16-23 Septembrie 2007 - Saptamana Modei de la Londra (londonfashionweek.co.uk)

Modexpo 2007 - a XII-a editie a expozitiei va avea loc intre 20 si 23 septembrie la Romexpo. Expozitia este una de accesorii, imbracaminte, pielarie, blanarie, tesaturi textile, si incaltaminte. http://toamna.modexpo.ro

24-30 octombrie 2007 - Saptamana Modei la Moscova

15 noiembrie - Festivalul de Moda de la Rio (Brazilia)

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Primul automobil bio din Romania

Suedezii de la SAAB au lansat ieri, in premiera pentru Romania, un model de autoturism care functioneaza pe baza de biocombustibil.

Modelul SAAB 9-5 turbo BioPower 2.0t reduce emisiile de carbon cu 80a si ofera o putere mai mare cu 30 de cai-putere decat echivalentul sau pe benzina. Automobilul, care a fost prezentat pentru prima data publicului in 2004, are omologare completa de tip european, standard Euro 4, si este cel mai bine vandut autoturism ecologic in Suedia.

Masina suedeza costa 34.391 euro, dar este aproape inutila in Romania pentru ca aici biocombustibilii nu se comercializeaza in stare pura, ci se vor vinde, de la 1 iulie, doar in amestec cu combustibili traditionali.

Emisii de carbon reduse cu 80%

Producatorii sustin ca diferentele dintre modelul BioPower si cel pe benzina sunt minime: motor mult mai rezistent la coroziune, materiale speciale, soft si electronica ajustate pentru acest tip de motorizare si frane mai puternice datorita performantelor mai inalte ale BioPower. Diferentele majore apar la nivelul emisiilor de gaze. In urma testelor a rezultat ca BioPower, care a inlocuit benzina obisnuita cu biocombustibilul E85, reduce emisiile de carbon fosil cu 80%.

Firma suedeza este primul producator din lume care a realizat o motorizare turbo pe etanol si a reusit sa creasca puterea automobilului cu 40 Nm (280 Nm) datorita ajustarii electronice si a cifrei octanice mai mari, spune Horatiu Ionescu, director general SAAB Romania. Combustibilul E85 este un amestec de 85% bioetanol si 15% benzina.

Ministrul mediului va circula cu biocombustibil

SAAB Romania si Ministerul Mediului au incheiat un parteneriat in urma caruia ministrul Attila Korodi va fi primul roman care va avea o masina de serviciu pe baza de biocombustibil. „Contractul de comodat este pe un an si presupune la nivel de etanol un plin pe luna”, a declarat Horatiu Ionescu, care a adaugat ca in Suedia un litru de etanol E85 costa 0,65 euro.

SAAB 9-5 turbo BioPower 2.0t

Motor ......................................180 CP
Acceleratie .............................0-100/8.5 sec

Cuplu ......................................Nm/Prm/ 280
Consum..................................9.0 l/100km

Capacitate rezervor ..............68 l
Viteza maxima.......................225 km/h

Pret - CIP Bucuresti .............28.900 euro
DDP ........................................34.391 euro

Sursa: Evz

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Angelina Jolie and Google Earth

The famous Angelina Jolie is now the hottest update for Google Earth because numerous users tried to solve the mystery of the tattoo appearing on the left hand of the actress. Google Sightseeing was the one that managed to decipher the tattoo, the mystery representing the location of the four adopted kids. If you didn’t know, Angelina Jolie intended to adopt a kid from every continent of the world. However, some of the fans were asking themselves what does the tattoo mean? Well, it represents the coordinates of every kid, and more exactly, the place where they were born.

"Plugging the coordinates into Google Earth, the first leads us to Cambodia. This is supposedly where her first son, Maddox, was born. Following the next coordinate we are led to Ethiopia’s capital of Addis Abeba, where the eldest daughter Zahara was born. For her third coordinate Angelina has gone a bit more specific, pointing to the Namibian beach resort of Swakopmund. This is where she gave birth to Brad Pitt’s baby Shiloh. And lastly on our tour Angelina takes us to Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam, where latest addition Pax Thien was born," Google Sightseeing reported.

If you don’t believe this, you can try it for yourself because all the Internet users are able to test it by writing the coordinates appearing in the tattoo straight in Google Earth. The application should redirect you to the location were every child was born.

As you can see, Google Earth is not only a downloadable application that allows users to view satellite maps and other imagery from the entire world. It is also useful for the users looking to solve the mystery of the unknown tattoos made by their favorite celebrities.

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Castigatoarea Eurovizion a plagiat...

Mie mi se pare ca cele doua melodii seamana ca doua picaturi de apa, voi ce parere aveti?

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Blestemul Capitalei

Bucurestiul este, mai nou, o capitala europeana. Pe hartie. Orasul cel mai important din Romania este, din punctul meu de vedere, o rusine. Sunt nevoit sa constat ca ce fura si nu face dreapta politica, aceasta conducand Capitala de peste 17 ani, este tolerat cu grad maxim de opinia publica, de societatea civila si chiar de unii ziaristi. Con-ducatorii ei sunt doar coruptii cinstiti, cei care fura in liniste, cu eleganta, pentru ca se bucura de o imagine buna si de protectia eterna a celui mai iubit roman, Traian Basescu.
Mie, personal, mi-e simpatic Adriean Videanu. Pentru ca e un tip decent, bine crescut si pentru ca nu este un taliban pro-Basescu.
Dar ca manager al Capitalei, primarul general are un bilant foarte trist. Au trecut doi ani de cand administreaza miliardele de euro si niciun proiect major, important si util pentru cetateni nu a fost facut.
S-au cumparat sute de autobuze Mercedes fara aer conditionat intr-un oras in care vara este nimicitoare si lunga. Cosmarul locuitorilor cu apartamente stradale, tramvaiele sunt foarte vechi si fac un zgomot asurzitor pe zeci de bulevarde. In plus, nu au niciun fel de facilitati pentru cetateni cu dizabilitati sau pentru batrani.
Lucrarile la infrastructura se fac absolut haotic. Au fost pornite toate odata, iar majoritatea se deruleaza cu viteza melcului. Lipsa de logica si bun-simt domina aceste lucrari. Ele ar trebui programate in functie de varfurile de trafic in Capitala, cu maxim de intensitate noaptea. La haosul din trafic generat de prostia Primariei Capitalei se adauga tichia de margaritar.
Stiti vorba aia: „Prostul daca nu-i fudul parca nu e prost destul“. Cum lipsa de coordonare Primarie-Brigada de Politie Rutiera si expli-catiile de Gaga ale baronului Udriste nu erau suficiente, au aparut tampenii suplimentare.
In cel mai important nod de trafic pentru centrul orasului se organizeaza, cu blocarea strazilor timp de trei zile... un campionat de raliu. Milioane de oameni, soferi, pietoni, utilizatori de mijloace de transport in comun sufera si sunt batjocoriti. Timpul de asteptare se tripleaza. Nu conteaza, baronii PD sa castige din organizare si sa ne mandrim ca facem raliu in zona de trafic. E una dintre marile nesimtiri ale anului 2007 acest circuit. Orice individ cu mai mult de o dunga pe creier ar fi organizat un astfel de turneu in afara Bucurestiului, nu ducand la disperare milioane de locuitori prin paralizia centrului.
Colac peste pupaza, ca in bancul cu rabinul, oile si caprele, echipa de inteligenti a lui Videanu aproba mitinguri si marsuri de taximetristi, yoghini si alte categorii exact pe rutele cele mai aglomerate. O noua tampenie, o alta umilire a cetateanului.
Primaria Generala si Consiliul General ar trebui sa stabileasca prin hotarare ca mitingurile si protestele se fac in parcuri: Izvor, Titan si altele. Nu pe Magheru, Balcescu, Ana Ipatescu sau Calea Victoriei.
Respectul pentru cetatean si solutiile inteli-gente sunt doua flori extrem de rare, care nu se regasesc in flora si fauna ce domina de ani buni Primaria Generala a Capitalei.

De Radu Tudor

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Google Would Annihilate The Rivals With Its Googlephone!

Google Would Annihilate The Rivals With Its Googlephone! - According to a recent study.

Some time ago, it was rumored that Google was preparing the Googlephone, an exciting handheld device able to conquer the mobile market. The Mountain View company denied the rumors, adding that Google will remain a software firm without any hardware trends. However, these statements didn't stop the market research firm, The EQUS Group, to conduct a study concerning a potential Google or Yahoo phone. The main goal of the research was to find out how many customers would buy the mobile device. According to Cellular-News.com, 55 percent of the subjects sustained they would be interested in acquiring a phone created by

Google or Yahoo. 21 percent of them said that they would ignore the phone, while 23 percent were unsure.

"In addition to these findings, we also found that 69% of consumers currently use mobile search tools on their mobile phones. Because search functionality is so highly utilized by mobile phone users, Google and Yahoo are uniquely well-positioned to enter the mobile device market and may have an advantage over other consumer brands looking to enter the space," Al Nazareli, CEO of The EQUS Group, said according to Cellular-News.com.

A long time ago, when Google was rumored to be preparing the Googlephone, the company was quite prompt and quickly denied all speculations. However, most of the search giant's fans were still hoping for a handheld device able to revolutionize the mobile life and bring some innovative functions. The Googlephone was always regarded as the Apple iPhone killer because it was rumored that the search giant's device has almost the same functions and design as the Cupertino company. As you can see, Google has a nice chance to conquer the mobile market but, as the search giant's representative sustained, the Mountain View firm will remain a software firm for a long period of time.

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Din vara scad tarifele de roaming

Parlamentul European a adoptat miercuri reglementarea privind reducerea tarifelor de roaming. Reglementarea, intens discutata in ultimul an la nivelul UE, va intra in vigoare la sfarsitul acestei veri, transmite Reuters.

Potrivit reglementarii adoptate miercuri, plafonul maxim al apelurilor date trebuie sa fie de 49 de eurocenti, iar al celor primite de 24 in primul an, urmand sa scada progresiv la 46, respectiv 22 de eurocenti in cel de-al doilea an si la 43, respectiv 19 in cel de-al treilea an.

“Este o zi importanta pentru consumatori, indifferent daca sunt turisti sau calatoresc in interes de serviciu ... facturile lor telefonice vor scadea”, a declarat Viviane Reding, comisarul european pentru telecomunicatii.

“Noua reglementare va roteja marea masa a consumatorilor, care pana in prezent erau facturati prea mult cand calatoreau peste hotare”, a adaugat comisarul european.

Joachim Wuermeling care a vorbit in plenul Parlamentului in numele presedintiei germane a UE, a spus europarlamentarilor ca spera ca statele membre sa is idea acordul asupra acestei reglementari pana in data de 29 iunie.

Operatorii de telefonie mobila vor avea la dispozitie aproximativ o luna pentru a anunta noile tarife, care ar urma sa intre in vigoare la finele lunii august.

Viviane Reding a avertizat ca Uniunea Europeana ar putea reglementa si transmisiile de date prin intermediul telefonului mobil, precum SMS si MMS, daca preturile nu vor scadea.

“Operatorii ar trebui sa priveasca foarte atent acest semnal si sa scada preturile singuri pentru a evita impunerea unei alte reglementari”, a mai spus Reding.

Noile preturi vor fi aplicate doar convorbirilor internationale, date sau primite, intre oricare dintre cele 27 de tari ale Uniunii Europene.

Romania saluta scaderea tarifelor de roaming

Ministerul Comunicatiilor si Tehnologiei Informatiilor saluta adoptarea regulamentului tarifelor de roaming de catre Parlamentul European.

Potrivit unui comunicat al MCTI, in data de 7 iunie 2007 Consiliul Uniunii Europene se va reuni la Luxemburg pentru a adopta regulamentul privind reducerea tarifelor de roaming. Romania, prin Zsolt Nagy, ministrul telecomunicatiilor, va vota in favoarea acestui regulament.

Acesta va intra in vigoare in ziua imediat urmatoare publicarii acestuia in Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene.

Regulamentul obliga operatorii ca in termen de o luna de la intrarea sa in vigoare sa isi informeze consumatorii in privinta tarifului actual al serviciului de roaming si despre tarifele prevazute de noul regulament, urmand ca acestia din urma sa decida in termen de 2 luni asupra tarifelor pe care le prefera.

Daca in decursul acestei perioade nu isi exprima nicio optiune atunci consumatorul este trecut automat pe tarifele prevazute de noul Regulament.

Orange crede ca aceasta reglementare va genera probleme pe piata

Potrivit reprezentantilor Orange Romania modul in care a fost facuta aceasta reglementare va genera probleme pe piata, desi initiativa de a oferi tarife de roaming reduse este justificabila.

“In opinia noastra problemele vor aparea datorita urmatoarelor cauze: reglementarea va alinia in mod artificial tarifele de roaming ale tuturor operatorilor, eliminind practic competitia de pe piata, iar nivelele de tarife sunt stabilite in mod arbitrar, fara un calcul temeinic al costurilor sau al impactului reglementarii”, se arata in comunicatul Orange.

“Orange Romania va respecta prevederile actului legislativ votat. In acelasi timp insa, atragem atentia ca supra-reglementarea reprezinta o interventie in economia de piata si nu poate reprezenta o solutie pe termen lung”, se mai arata in comunicatul operatorului.

Zapp: ajustarea de pret va fi una mai usoara in cazul nostru

Carmen Lazar, purtatorul de cuvant al Zapp, a declarat pentru HotNews.ro ca „tarifele de roaming oferite de Zapp sunt orientate pe costuri si sunt mult mai mici decat majoritatea ofertelor similare de pe piata, acest serviciu fiind pentru noi unul cu valoare adaugata mai degraba decat o sursa importanta de venit".

"Datorita faptului ca tarifele noastre de roaming in zona UE sunt apropiate de cele impuse de noile reglementari, ajustarea de pret va fi una mai usoara in cazul nostru”, a mai spus Carmen Lazar.

Cosmote: Implementarea din acest an a reglementarilor ar putea avea efecte disproportionate la nivelul pietei locale

Reprezentantii Cosmote Romania au precizat ca operatorul va lua toate masurile necesare sa se asigure ca persoanele care calatoresc beneficiaza de aceleasi conditii prevazute in reglementarile privind tarifele de roaming ca si restul cetatenilor europeni, in functie de implementarea reglementarilor si in Romania.

"Cosmote va respecta deciziile autoritatilor de reglementare din Romania, desi implementarea din acest an a reglementarilor Uniunii Europene in ceea ce priveste roamingul ar putea avea efecte disproportionate in defavoarea operatorilor la nivelul pietei locale", a declarat Tereza Valcan, corporate affairs manager Cosmote, pentru HotNews.ro.

Vodafone sustine ca a scazut deja unele tarife

Reprezentantii Vodafone au precizat pentru HotNews.ro ca clientii sai pot beneficia deja de un tarif mediu pentru convorbirile in roaming cu peste 40% mai scazut decat in vara anului 2005, insa operatorul nu face nici o precizare in legatura cu viitoarele tarife practicate.

De asemenea clientii Vodafone care au optat deja pentru programul Passport pot ramane in continuare pe aceste planuri tarifare si nu vor fi obligati sa treaca la euro-tariful impus de Parlamentul European, potrivit clauzei "opt-in" care prevede posibilitatea ca utilizatorii sa-si exprime optiunea privind alegerea planului tarifar de roaming. (Hotnews)

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Google Receives a Chinese Slap - From the local partner, Netease

Netease, a Chinese company that has been one of the most powerful Google partners in the country, announced that it will end the agreement with the Mountain View firm. The Internet Portal is now offering Google Search to all of its users through the official page of the company. However, the company announced its intentions to end the deal with Google because it intends to build its own search engine. It seems that the partnership will be ended this year as Netease plans to release its search
technology in this period.

"When our own search engine is released, we will terminate the contract or the current partnership with Google," Netease chief executive William Ding said according to Computing.co.uk. "Our development of the in-house search engine has been progressing well and we are planning to officially launch it during the second half of 2007 with a major marketing campaign," Michael Tong, co-chief operating officer at Netease, added according to the same source.

As you can see, the Chinese market is a little bit repulsive to the search giant's attempts to conquer the country. Google tried several tricks to expand its products into China but every time, their actions were rejected just from the beginning by Baidu, the local Internet leader, or even by the users. At this time, Baidu is regarded as the Chinese search giant because it offers almost the same products as Google, managing to steal the Mountain View company's Chinese customers. Some time ago, the Google officials sustained that the firm had problems with the country's users after numerous fake agents tried to sell the search giant's products.

So, this is another obvious sign that Google encounters serious problems with the Chinese expansion. Maybe the Mountain View company should work a little on the agreement and the partnerships made with the local companies and try to improve its image on the Chinese market.

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Milan a castigat Champions League

Dupa un meci demn de o finala, Milan a castigat cu 2-1 reusind sa scape de sindromul Istambul. Inzaghi a inscris cele doua goluri ale milanezilor si la egalat pe Nicolaie Dica in clasamentul golgheterilor.
Desi nu am avut nici o favorita in aceasta finala, ma bucur ca a casitgat Milan si sper ca, Kaka sa ia Balonul de Aur...

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Un nou tip de arta chinezeasca...

Un nou tip de arta ce vine de la chinezi, se pare ca astia nu stiu sa faca numai adidasi, haine si alte lucruri pe 1$/zi...

Mai multe poze

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Straizle din jurul Palatului Parlamentului se redeschid

Străzile din jurul Palatului Parlamentului - locul unde s-a desfăşurat circuitul GT "Bucharest Road City Course" - se vor redeschide traficului rutier începând de joi, a anunţat Primăria Capitalei.
Pe străzile din jurul Palatului Parlamentului au fost instituite restricţii de circulaţie în perioada 10 - 23 mai 2007, pentru desfăşurarea circuitului automobilistic "Bucharest Road City Course".

Din cauza restricţiilor de circulaţie impuse de municipalitate, traficul bucureştean a fost dat peste cap timp de aproape două săptămâni. Sud-vestul oraşului (cartierele Berceni - Rahova) a fost izolat de zona de nord a Capitalei în perioada restricţiilor.

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Google to Show Daily List of Hot Topics

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Google Inc. is going to start sharing more insights about what's on its users' minds by showing a daily list of the 100 hottest topics on its Internet-leading search engine.

The new rankings will be unveiled late Monday in an upgrade of Google's "trends" service. The breakdown will consist of the fastest-rising search requests on any given day.

The list won't include all of the top queries because it will be edited to exclude pornography and other requests about the weather, popular Web sites like MySpace.com or prominent celebrities that consistently generate lots of searches.

Trying to figure out why certain terms are popping up is part of the fun underlying the list, said Amit Patel, a Google software engineer who oversaw the project. To help provide context, the Mountain View-based company will provide links to news stories and blogs containing the search terms.

"It's very entertaining and it's very addictive," Patel said of the trends list.

Besides appealing to pop culture junkies, Patel believes the rankings will be useful to Web researchers and reporters looking for story ideas.

The improvements also will enable users to analyze search terms within the sub-regions of 79 countries.

On The Net: Google Trends

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Live Finala Champions League

Au fost anuntate echipele:

Liverpool: Reina - Finnan, Agger, Carragher, Riise - Pennant, Mascherano, Xabi Alonso, Gerrard, Zenden - Kuyt.

Milan: Dida - Oddo, Nesta, Maldini, Jankulovski - Gattuso, Pirlo, Ambrosini - Seedorf, Kaka, Inzaghi.

Atmosfera s-a incins la Atena, o data cu apropierea meciului. BBC transmite mesaje ale suporterilor englezi aflati la Atena, care povestesc ca au vindut biletul de intrare cu sume ametitoare: 3500 Euro fata de 200 cit a costat initial! Politia a arestat un suporter care a incercat sa vinda 50 de tichete cu 58000 Euro - tichetele erau contrafacute!

In fata traficului cu bilete false, UEFA a fost obligata sa intervina in ziua meciului si sa anunte in mod oficial: "Nu mai exista bilete". Dimineata, aparuse zvonul, lansat de traficantii de tichete contrafacute, ca ar mai exista 4500 de bilete din cota rezervata lui AC Milan.

Gazzetta dello Sport: Patronul lui Milan, Silvio Berlusconi a luat prinzul cu echipa, in ziua meciului.

BBC: Antrenorul Rafa Benitez este multumit de recuperarea mijlocasului Zenden: "Pare in regula, marti s-a pregatit, in sfirsit".

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Basescu, sanctionat cu avertisment pentru 'tiganca imputita'

Presedintele Consiliul National pentru Combaterea Discriminarii, Asztalos Csaba a declarat ca CNCD a decis sa-l sanctioneze cu avertisment pe presedintele Traian Basescu pentru ca s-a exprimat folosind expresia "tiganca imputita". Asztalos a mai afirmat ca aceasta se incadreaza ca fiind discriminare. Decizia CNCD poate fi contestata in 15 zile, termen in care va fi facuta publica si motivatia scrisa.

"A trebuit sa analizam intentia, scopul cu care a facut aceste declaratii, daca nu a existatoi intentie, a avut un efect public o declaratie sau alta, perceptia pe care a dorit-o, au fost mai multe aspecte pe care le-am analizat", a mai afirmat Asztalos.

Decizia CNCD cuprinde si recomandari cu privire la limbaj, considarand ca cel folosit in acest caz de Traian Basescu "nu este adecvat pentru spatiul public si pentru functia de inalt demnitar".

Apelativul "pasarica", adresat de Basescu jurnalistei, membrii CNCD sunt de parere ca "fapta nu e de natura sa atraga raspunderea contraventionala".

CNCD, sesizat de Romani Criss

Intr-un comunicat de presa Colegiul Director al Consiliului National pentru Combaterea Discriminarii arata ca a fost sesizat de asociatia Romani Criss cu privire la incidentul din 19.05.2007, cand dl. Traian Basescu, presedintele Romaniei a smuls telefonul unei reporterite a postului Antena 3, care il filma in timp ce acesta era la cumparaturi, adresandu-i-se cu apelativul "pasarica".

De asemenea, Colegiul Director a fost sesizat si cu privire la aspectele referitoare la considerarea jurnalistei drept "tiganca imputita", arata comunicatul.

Presedintele si-a cerut scuze fata de comunitatea rroma cat si fata de ziarista pentru limbajul folosit.

Potrivit unui comunicat de presa, semnat de purtatorul de cuvant al presedintelui, Valeriu Turcan, seful statului regreta ca o expresie nepotrivita, folosita intr-o convorbire privata, a devenit publica si a provocat un nemeritat prejudiciu moral ziaristei.

Mai mult, Traian Basescu o roaga pe jurnalista sa accepte scuzele sale sincere pentru situatia creata. In comunicat se mentioneaza, totodata, ca formula de adresare a fost utilizata de Traian Basescu sub imperiul unei stari de maxima presiune publica si mediatica.

Cum s-a petrecut incidentul

Aflat sambata la cumparaturi intr-un supermarket, presedintele Traian Basescu i-a smuls din mana jurnalistei Andreei Pana, telefonul cu care era filmat, fiind suparat de insistenta cu care aceasta-l urmarea. Seful statului a refuzat sa-i restituie telefonul spunand ca-l va primi in zilele ce urmeaza.

Presedintele ar fi bagat telefonul in buzunar, dar a uitat sa-l inchida, acesta inregistrand o discutie avuta cu sotia sa in care reporterul Antenei 1 era facuta "tiganca imputita".

Jurnalista si-a primit telefonul cateva ore mai tarziu prin intermediul colegilor ce filmau la sediul de campanie al presedintelui. (Hotnews)

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Gas Prices On The Rise–9 Tips On More Mileage Bang For Your Buck

According to a recent article in Yahoo Finance by David Bach, a man who calls himself “the automatic millionaire,” there are some things you can do to get more gas bang for your buck. With today’s gas prices climbing toward $4.00 a gallon, everyone can benefit from these.

The following are David’s gas-saving tips:

1. Find a bargain.

If you’re taking a summer road trip, plan out your route before you go. Identify gas stations along the way that have the lowest prices. Check out www.gasbuddy.com, a site where consumers can share gas prices.

2. Keep your tires fully inflated.

The U.S. Department of Energy reports that the average driver can improve mileage by 3.3 percent simply by inflating their vehicle’s tires regularly.

3. Get a tune-up.

A vehicle in need of servicing is wasting gas in more ways than one. According to the Department of Energy, replacing a clogged air filter can improve your gas mileage by 10 percent, while fixing a faulty oxygen sensor can improve gas mileage by an unbelievable 40 percent. Download a free service and maintenance schedule at www.carcare.org .

4. Fill ‘er up with regular unleaded if possible.

According to AAA, one out of five gallons of gas pumped in the U.S. is premium — yet only 10 percent of vehicles require this higher octane fuel.

The truth is that you may not even notice the difference when you drive your car with regular gas instead of premium, and the cost difference can be as much as 40 cents per gallon. If your car doesn’t require premium unleaded, you’re wasting your money — premium doesn’t improve performance.

5. Adjust your driving habits and style.

Speeding, excessive accelerating, and sudden braking all waste gas. A more relaxed driving style not only improves safety, it also improves gas mileage by 33 percent for highway driving.

Idling your engine for long periods can also waste up to a gallon of gas per hour. Also, think twice before blasting the air conditioning. According to the Department of Energy, operating your car’s air conditioner on its maximum setting can reduce your miles per gallon by 5 to 25 percent compared to not using it at all.

6. Clean out your trunk.

Unnecessary cargo weighs your car down. A hundred extra pounds can reduce your miles per gallon by 2 percent. Also avoid storing luggage on your roof. The increased wind resistance will reduce your mileage as well.

7. Carpool.

If it works for your work schedule and habits, carpooling saves money, in fact up to $2,562 a year.

8. If you’re buying a new car, make fuel efficiency a priority.

There’s so much to consider when purchasing a new car that fuel efficiency can get lost in the shuffle. By law, however, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) fuel efficiency rating for new cars is posted in large black numbers on a sticker in the window.

9. Buy a hybrid, get a tax break.

Driving a hybrid, which runs on a combination of gas and electric power, will significantly increase your miles per gallon. Hybrid cars are becoming more affordable, too.

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Google Debuts Private Video Test for Adsense

The AdSense advertising platform is finally improved with video ads, a long-awaited feature that is currently in private testing session. Google rolled out a new test for the video adverts that are now available in three flavors: click-to-play video ads, AdSense video distribution and sponsorship and AdSense for Video pilot. Basically, the Click-to-play video adverts are placed on a certain page and are started once the visitor clicks on the play button. The second version of the advertising platform enables publishers to select a special channel for the

adverts and include them into their site's content. AdSense for Video pilot is a new feature that allows publishers to select the time to start the video advert.

"Just as AdSense adds value to the text content on your website and is useful for your users, we think these in-stream ads in video will add value to publishers' video content and help to deepen engagement with users watching the videos. This pilot represents our continued efforts to address the challenges faced by publishers who want to monetize their video content, by advertisers who want access to quality video inventory, and finally by users who want ads to enhance their video watching experience, not detract from it," Christine Lee, AdSense Product Marketing Manager, said today.

Please keep in mind that this is only a private testing session so there is no other way to be included in the beta. However, the search giant might expand the product soon, so if you really want to be a part of the testings, try to remain up-to-date with the latest Google news.

At this time, the advertising platforms owned by Google are representing the most important products at the Googleplex because the search giant wants to expand them into the offline media. In the past, Google signed deal with newspapers and radio stations but we're still waiting for a new flavor of the advertising solutions.

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Astazi este Finala Champions League

Ora 21:45, Protv

In urma cu doi ani, Liverpool invingea in finala Champions League la lovituri de departajare, dupa ce Milan conducea la pauza cu 3-0. "Nu ne gandim la razbunare", spun italienii, dar rana este cu siguranta inca deschisa.

Atuul lui Milan este brazilianul Kaka, golgheterul Ligii, aflat intr-o forma incredibila. In semifinale, Kaka a marcat trei goluri in poarta lui Manchester, ajungand la cota 10 in actuala stagiune. Brazilianul este deja vazut principalul candidat la Balonul de Aur in acest an, dupa ce evolutia rivalului Cristiano Ronaldo in semifinale a fost dezamagitoare.

Conationalul sau, Pele, pariaza pe milanezi. Ramane de vazut cat de inspirat este legendarul jucator care in trecut a dat gres deseori la capitolul pronosticuri. In 1994, acesta vedea Columbia principala favorita la Campionatul Mondial, dar sud-americanii au iesit inca din faza grupelor.

Capitanul lui Milan, Paolo Maldini va juca a opta finala in C1, un record al competitiei. Prima sa finala a fost in 1989, impotriva Stelei, de atunci ridicand trofeul de patru ori. Singurul jucator din istorie care a evoluat in opt finale europene este Francisco Gento care a reusit aceasta performanta intre 1956 si 1966, cu Real Madrid.

"Mandria si nerabdarea sunt cuvintele care caracterizeaza acest meci. Sunt mandru sa fiu capitanul acestei echipe si abia astept sa simt furnicaturile pe care ti le da un astfel de meci", a anticipat veteranul italian finala.

Principalul pericol al cormoranilor este capitanul si motorul echipei: Steven Gerrard. Duelul sau cu Gennaro Gatusso va fi unul dintre punctele cheie ale partidei, dar Gerrard avertizeaza: "Este un jucator bun, dar nu imi fac probleme. Ii transmit sa ma opreasca daca va putea."

Managerul cormoranilor, Rafa Benitez, are o singura problema in efectivul echipei sale, olandezul Boudewijn Zenden nu s-a antrenat decat marti si prezenta sa este pusa sub semnul intrebarii. Locul sau ar putea fi luat de australianul Harry Kewell, revenit de curand dupa o lunga accidentare.

"Suntem aici pentru ca am facut ceea ce trebuia pana acum. Suntem increzatori si calmi. Vom face tot ce e posibil. Daca vom castiga, va fi perfect, dar nu trebuie sa parasim stadionul cu regrete", a spus spaniolul inaintea meciului.

Benitez se afla in fata celui de-al treilea trofeu european al sau ca antrenor, dupa Cupa UEFA cu Valencia in 2004 si Liga Campionilor cu Liverpool, un an mai tarziu.

Desi au dezamagit in competitiile interne, Liverpool incheind pe locul 3 iar Milan fiind pe patru, cu o runda inainte de final, drumul lor in Europa a fost mult mai spectaculor. Cormoranii au eliminat pe parcurs detinatoarea trofeului, FC Barcelona, campioana Olandei, PSV Eindhoven si rivala din competitia interna, Chelsea.

Intre echipele care s-au inclinat in fata lui Milan sunt campioana Scotiei, Celtic Glasgow, gigantul german Bayern Munchen sau favorita la castigarea actualei editii, Manchester United.

Atena gazduieste pentru a treia oara finala celei mai importante competitii europene. De fiecare data o echipa italiana a jucat in capitala Greciei. In 1983, Juventus a pierdut in fata lui Hamburg, pentru ca in 1994 AC Milan sa zdrobeasca pe Barcelona cu 4-0.

Politia greaca a anuntat ca va folosi pistoale de paintball pentru a identifica fanii recalcitranti. "Acestea vor fi cateva din armele pe care fortele de ordine le vor folosi in incidentele dintre fani. Ele vor fi de doua ori mai eficiente pentru ca bilele sunt destul de dureroase si, in plus, vopseaua din ele ii marcheaza pe fanii violenti", a declarat purtatorul de cuvant al politiei.

Ultimul act va fi arbitrat de germanul Herbert Fandel. Cu el la centru, AC Milan a castigat toate cele cinci partide disputate, in timp ce Liverpool a pierdut cele trei intalniri in care a fost condusa de german.

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Google Bans Prostitution, Drugs and Essays!

The Mountain View company decided to block the AdWords adverts redirecting the users to essay writing services after numerous universities complained about these companies. Using this removal, the search giant places essay writing firms on the same list with prostitution, drugs, weapons and tobacco, all of them being blocked from the Google SERP. However, the Mountain View company will start removing these adverts starting next month. According to BBC News, Google informed advertisers about the removal, but some of them were quite angry. Meanwhile, the search giant received the universities' applauds because most of them were

complaining that students are buying essays from the search engine, instead of creating them by themselves.

"Making life harder for these cynical web 'essay mills' is a step in the right direction," says Professor Drummond Bone, president of Universities UK, for BBC News. "We welcome this move. Essay writing sites claim that students pay hundreds of pounds for model answers - but do not then submit these as their own work. We all know this claim is absurd," he added.

It seems that no more than 12.000 essays were sold last year to the students after numerous companies were advertising their products on the Google search engine result page. If you didn't know, Google created a long time ago a special AdWords Content Policy published on a separate page, displaying all the prohibited products that might be advertised using the company's product. Among alcohol, violence, gambling, hacking and miracle cures we can also find prostitution, sexual material and cigarettes. However, it's not quite clear if the essay writing can be included in the fake documents category, because Google says that "advertising is not permitted for the promotion of services that allow people to hire others to take standardized tests for them."

If you want to read the entire list with the SERP prohibited adverts, you should check this page hosted by Google.

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Dancing With The Stars: Winner Is Apollo Anton Ohno

For the Dancing With The Stars finale, each of the remaining three couples got to dance one last time for the judges. The judges’ scores from tonight were then added to the judges’ scores from last night to arrive at a final total from judges. Finally, the total judges’ score was added to the viewer vote to determine the winner.

Apollo Anton Ohno & Julianne Hough danced the Paso Doble. Len Goodman said “If I were to sum you up, the word I would use is commitment.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “What I love about you two is the incredible chemistry that you have.” Bruno Tonioli said “You put a fresh spin on everything you do, it’s great to watch you.” Apollo Anton & Julianne received a score of 30 out of 30 points.

Joey Fatone & Kym Johnson danced the Tango. Bruno Tonioli said “The master of entertainment, you’re like a method dancer.” Carrie Ann Inaba said “This was the one that you had a hard time with, and your technique wasn’t all that good, but I thought you did really good with the technique tonight.” Len Goodman said “You’ve been trained, but you’ve never been tamed.” Joey & Kym received a score of 30 out of 30 points.

Laila Ali & Maksim Chmerkovskiy danced the Mambo. Carrie Ann Inaba said “I’m so proud of you, and the Mambo of all the dances, that’s your dance girl.” Len Goodman said “Last night you got one or two harsh criticisms, but you’ve come back tonight stronger than ever.” Bruno Tolioni said “You’re like the last standing Amazon coming out and knocking us all down.” Laila & Maksim received a score of 30 out of 30 points.

After the final dances, hosts Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris revealed that the first couple eliminated was Laila Ali & Maksim Chmerkovskiy. Laila Ali said “Maksim has been a great partner, you know, and we’ve had our tough times, but we’ve always pulled through, so of course I’m pissed I didn’t win [laughing].”

The final two couples came down to Apollo Anton Ohno & Julianne Hough and Joey Fatone & Kym Johnson. Host Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris announced that after ten weeks of competition that Apollo Anton Ohno & Julianne Hough were the new champions of Dancing With The Stars. Apollo Anton Ohno said “I feel amazing. I feel like from day one I’ve said everybody here has been champions. Joey’s taught me so much, and I feel like lessons to be learned from watching the show are amazing, and I’ve learned for myself, you put your mind to something, you do 100%, and you give sacrifice, dedication, anything is possible, and thank you Julianne.”

From: www.realitytvmagazine.com

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Traian Basescu are plangere penala

Clubul Roman de Presa (CRP) a luat ieri, in premiera, o decizie radicala: sa faca plangere penala impotriva sefului statului Traian Basescu pentru jignirea pe care acesta i-a adus-o jurnalistei Andreea Pana de la Antena 3.

Desi presedintele Traian Basescu i-a trimis jurnalistei in cauza un buchet de flori cu un biletel pe care scria 'Cu respect, doamnei Andreea Pana', scandalul legat de acest incident a luat amploare. Ieri, pentru prima data in istoria post-decembrista a Romaniei, membrii CRP au luat atitudine impotriva presedintelui, cerandu-le tuturor jurnalistilor sa boicoteze aparitiile in presa ale presedintelui in ziua de joi, cand Basescu va reveni pe functie la Cotroceni.

Mai mult, Consiliul de Onoare al CRP va depune plangere penala impotriva lui Basescu. CRP se va adresa in acest caz tuturor forurilor mondiale ale jurnalistilor. Astazi, Basescu isi va trimite consilierul juridic la Consiliul National pentru Combaterea Discriminarii, pentru a da lamuriri despre caz, la audieri fiind prezenta si Andreea Pana. Liderul PC Dan Voiculescu l-a taxat pe Basescu drept 'maidanez'. El a trimis la Bruxelles o scrisoare in care critica gestul presedintelui.

C.T. Popescu vrea pedepse suplimentare

Seful CRP, Cristian Tudor Popescu , le-a recomandat jurnalistilor sa depuna la picioarele lui Basescu camerele video, microfoanele si telefoanele mobile in semn de protest si de solidaritate fata de modul in care a tratat-o presedintele tarii pe Andreea Pana, sambata, intr-un supermarket din Capitala. Basescu i-a smuls pur si simplu telefonul mobil din mana jurnalistei, calificand-o apoi pe aceasta drept 'tiganca imputita'.

Imparatul Iulian, solidar cu presedintele

Alianta Romilor din Romania (ARR) a anuntat ieri, prin vocea Imparatului Iulian , ca 'dezaproba si se dezice de metodele diversioniste pe care le-a practicat jurnalista de etnie roma Andreea Pana'. Conform comunicatului semnat cu 'inginer diplomat economist Iulian Radulescu, ?mparatul Romilor de pretutindeni', jurnalista 'a reusit incalcarea intimitatii persoanei si sa-l atraga pe presedintele Romaniei intr-o capcana jurnalistica gandita si pusa la cale de Dan Voiculescu'.

Voiculescu explica Europei ce inseamna "pasarica"

Liderul PC, Dan Voiculescu, vrea ca toti europenii sa stie cum a jignit-o Basescu pe angajata sa. De aceea, el i-a explicat amanuntit presedintelui Comisiei Europene, Jose Barosso, intr-o scrisoare, ca 'presedintele i s-a adresat doamnei (Andreea Pana, n. red.) cu termenul "pasarica" ? care, in romaneste, denumeste si organul sexual feminin'.

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Google gives Up to $100 for Every Google User!

If you want to earn some money with ease, then this is probably the simplest way to receive it, because Google wants to pay up to $100 for every user registered for a simple survey. The new study concerns Google's Blogger, the largest blog community on the Internet. According to the information provided by the search giant, you need to be at least 18 years old and spend one to one-and-a-half hours with a Google researcher and answer some simple questions.

"You can help us out and make money just by using Blogger! From time to time at Blogger we run usability studies to make sure that we’re on the right track with all the new features we’re working on. If playing with Blogger for an hour or so and making up to $100 sounds like something you’d like to do, please sign up," the Blogger tem sustained.

If you want to register for the survey, you can fill in the form available on this link. As far I can see, the campaign is available in numerous countries outside the US, so I guess all of you can register for it. However, please keep in mind that you must be available when the Google researcher wants to take the survey, meaning sometimes between 9 am and 6 pm. "This will almost always be during business hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm). If you are coming in to a Google office to participate, you will need to allow extra time for travel," the company mentions in the description of the research.

Google assures all the users that their information will remain private because they don't intend to sell it to other companies. Oh, and a special offer: even if you're not a Google user, you're still able to register for the survey because the search giant wants a clear opinion from the users who are not familiar with the company's products.

What is your opinion about this?

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Ralu Filip a murit

Ralu Filip a murit in noaptea de marti spre miercuri. Din pacate inca un om de valoare a plecat dintre noi. Ralu Filip a fost Presedintele CNA din 2002. Imi pare foarte rau ca s-a stins din viata, Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace.

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Google Office Smashed Microsoft's Suite!

Google Apps, the search giant's solution that is often regarded as a powerful alternative for Microsoft Office, managed to lure no more than 100.000 organizations to its services. As you might know, Google Apps bundles several Google products such as Gmail, Docs & Spreadsheets, Calendar and many others. Google Apps is currently available in several flavors for both individual and enterprise users. In comparison with Microsoft's Office, Google Apps has two big advantages: first of all, it is accessible from an online interface. This allows users to connect to the product from numerous locations and store their files straight on the Google servers. Then, Google Apps is available for free, offering some of the best functions included

in the suite.

"More than 100,000 organizations large and small have started using Google Apps to deliver powerful services to employees, students and members, and since there's no hardware or software to install or maintain, getting up and running is a snap. We're we hearing great stories from users, and we're getting exciting feedback from journalists, analysts and other industry experts," Jeremy Milo, Product Marketing Manager, said today.

Of course, it's very difficult to make a comparison between the two solutions because Google is rather an online company while Microsoft is based on the offline software products. However, PC World released The 100 Best Products of 2007 and placed Google Apps Premier Edition on the first position. "Google is much more than just a search engine, and with its invaluable Google Apps suite, the company is well on its way to challenging Microsoft for productivity-suite supremacy. Google's Docs & Spreadsheets (soon to be joined by a PowerPoint-esque presentation application) already makes for an interesting alternative to Microsoft Office," PC World said in the description of the leader.

Microsoft Office received a shocking 56th position that shows us that the Redmond-based company can be easily challenged if you're able to build a powerful solution. Google Apps is the best example that the users are always attracted by the product that offers the most efficient functions.

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Floola love iPod but hate iTunes.

The iPod and iTunes go together like a horse and carriage and are referred to as an ecosystem for good reasons. Made for each other, the software complements the hardware while the hardware simply does not work normally without the software. This is all peachy as long as you like iTunes and have your library imported and set up properly in it. If you don’t, you will probably find the entire system annoying. While iTunes is a great piece of software, there are people out there that simply don’t like it, whatever the reasons. Should these people like the iPod, they quickly start having a small issue with the entire ecosystem thing. Fortunately, there are third party solutions out there that let you make the most of your iPod without actually having to use iTunes, like Floola.

What it does
Floola is an iPod management program that lets you use all the functionality of the iPod without having to actually use iTunes. While moot for the majority of users, programs such as this are invaluable for those that, for whatever reasons, don’t wish to use iTunes as their main music management program.

Working with it
Ironically enough, before you can start using Floola in order to bypass using iTunes, you first have to make a little detour and use iTunes to set up your iPod. Fortunately, this is simply a matter of enabling disk usage on the device and making sure that there is at least one song on the iPod. Once this is set up, you won’t have to go back to iTunes ever again.
Once the initial setup is done, you can start using Floola. Should the program not recognize your iPod automatically, you can manually select it from the list and you are ready to go.

Not surprisingly, Floola uses a decidedly iTunes-like interface with the main difference being that the Sources/Playlists column is on the right side of the window and it only covers the top half of it. Apart from this small difference the two programs are remarkably similar and easy to use.
Adding songs to the iPod is simply a matter of dropping them on the small ‘Add’ window that Floola shows. Tags and other information about the song can either be edited during the import procedure, with the program interpreting the file and path names in order to determine artist album and track names, or it can be done afterwards.
The entire process is quite simple and quick, and once you have enough songs you can start making playlists.

Much confusion?
While Floola is pretty good for what it does, there are things about it that are just so plain wrong, that they boggle the mind.

One of the first bad design choices is the way genres are implemented. The genre list is placed after the artist and album list, before the playlists one. This placement is simply counterintuitive since the logical selection is that of genre > artist > album. To make things even worse, selecting genres does not filter artists as one might expect, it simply dumps all the songs that belong to that genre in one big list. In fact, the genres come last and are filtered by both the artists list and the album list.

Another issue is that of compilations. While Floola can interpret tags properly and can recognize the compilation tag properly, it makes no effort whatsoever to actually order these songs as such. The result is one whooping long list of artists most of them with only one track.

Even with perfectly set up tags, the contents of my Shuffle look awfully muddled up and alien, even to me. I shudder to think what things might look like with messed up tags and about 40GB worth of music… ouch.

More than music
While iPod is primarily about music, Floola does not stop there and also lets you manage video and podcasts as well as notes lyrics and album art.
These things are managed through a system of pop-up windows and menus that let you add manage and delete items. If your iPod model does not support a certain item, such as notes or videos, you will not be able to even see the options for working with them.

Some other interesting options are Amazon.com and Last.fm integration. You can choose any artist and select the Amazon menu item and a window will pop up looking up all those artist’s albums on Amazon. Interesting but not nearly as useful as the iTunes Store integration.
The Last.fm integration is nice if you are part of that community since it lets you upload your listening history to the site in order to better update your profile, something that you can’t do with iTunes currently.

The Good
A viable alternative to iTunes, for those who want the iPod without the ecosystem.

The Bad
Some very strange design choices that hinder the usability of the program as a whole.

The Truth
If you really hate iTunes, but want iPod, Floola can help you out. While it is by no means fantastic it does a decent job and once you get used to its quirks you should have no problems with it.

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O serie de poze cu iluzii interesante.

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Trei elevi din zece au luat sub nota 5 la teza de la limba romana

Numai 70,82% din elevii de clasa a VII-a care au sustinut, in data de 17 mai, teza cu subiect unic la limba si literatura romana, au obtinut note de trecere. Judetele cu cele mai slabe rezultate la aceasta examinare sunt Harghita, unde numai 44,43%, dintre elevi au obtinut peste 5, Botosani - cu un indice de 57,21%, si Covasna unde numai sase elevi din zece au luat nota de trecere. La polul opus - Alba, Giurgiu si Dolj, unde s-au luat cele mai multe note de 10.

Judetele cu cele mai multe note de trecere obtinute la proba de limba romana sunt Suceava, Bacau, si Caras Severin. In aceste judete, procentul de note peste cinci s-a situat intre 78,46% si 76,23%.

Primele trei judete cu numar mare de note de 10 raportat la numarul total de elevi prezenti sunt Alba, Giurgiu si Dolj.

La nivel national, din totalul de 222.876 elevi, 118.223 in mediul urban si 104.653 in mediul rural, s-au prezentat la sustinera tezei 213.732 elevi. Cea mai buna prezenta s-a inregistrat in judetele Cluj - 98,17%, Braila - 97,87% si Arad - 97,67.

A doua sansa, in iunie

Conform metodologiei de organizare si desfasurare, calendarul dupa care se desfasoara tezele cu subiect unic are doua perioade speciale. Prima este destinata elevilor care au absentat la prima sesiune, insa a caror situatie nu impune amanarea incheierii situatiei scolare.

Acestia vor sustine tezele in zilele de 5 iunie (matematica), 8 iunie (Limba si literatura materna) si 12 iunie (Limba si literatura romana)

A doua perioada speciala (luna august) este destinata elevilor care au fost amanati in semestrul I.

Sursa: Hotnews

Trist si crunt, oare spre ce ne indreptam?

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The Romanian pilots at Bucharest Challenge

Constantin Raileanu had a perfect week-end at Vodafone Bucharest Challenge 2007. Former Formula Ford pilot started in the forth position the first round of the the Dacia Logan Cup, that took place on Saturday May 19th and by the end of a spectacular race, he won the second position. “It was an excellent race and I’m glad that I succeed to get on the podium, being my first time in the Dacia Logan Cup”, declared Raileanu.

On Sunday, the best Romanian pilot in the mono brand competition had an even more fantastic evolution. Constantin Raileanu had an excellent start, taking the leadership and keeping it until the end of the race. “Being on the highest level of the podium made me feel fantastic and I was really moved during our national anthem. I’m happy that I won here and I hope that this victory will help my career from now on”, Raileanu said after the last race of the Dacia Logan Cup.

Victory in Dodge Viper Cup
Mihai Marinescu and Claudiu David had this week-end, at the wheel of a Dodge Viper, their first start in the European FIA GT3 Championship. In the first race, that took place on Sunday, the 19th of May, the Romanian team started in the 23rd position and finished in the 18th, despite the fact that they manage to be the 3rd in the first half of the race. “We’ve had a very good start, but in the end the rain blew up our race strategy and the experience of the other teams played an important role. It was a very nice race, I think, and in the second one we’ll do better, I’m sure”, Mihai Marinescu said.

The last day of Vodafone Bucharest Challenge was actually luckier for the Romanian team: Mihai Marinescu and Claudiu David switched places – Marinescu ran first and David in the second part – and they’ve made an excellent race, finishing in the top 10. Unfortunately, they were informed, shortly after crossing the finish line, about a 30 seconds penalty caused by a yellow flag that they didn’t take into consideration. This penalty took them down 5 places, to the 14th position, but it didn’t change their place in the Dodge Viper Cup, where they remain leaders. „We’ve made an excellent race and I’m sorry for that yellow flag that costed the team so many seconds. We did our best and we are very confident in the future. I think we have many reasons to be proud – we are the first Romanian pilots driving in the European FIA GT3 race in Bucharest, the firsts in one of this competition’s top ten and so on”, declared Claudiu David after the race.

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Unde duce rasismul lui Basescu

Priviti comentariile. Sunt o consecinta a iesirii rasiste a Presedintelui Basescu. Cred ca din pacate vor fi din ce in ce mai multe...
Si pe Gandul sunt mult mai multe.

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The Man Who Ownes The Internet

Kevin Ham is the most powerful dotcom mogul you've never heard of, reports Business 2.0 Magazine. Here's how the master of Web domains built a $300 million empire.

(Business 2.0 Magazine) -- Kevin Ham leans forward, sits up tall, closes his eyes, and begins to type -- into the air. He's seated along the rear wall of a packed ballroom in Las Vegas's Venetian Hotel. Up front, an auctioneer is running through a list of Internet domain names, building excitement the same way he might if vintage cars were on the block.

As names come up that interest Ham, he occasionally air-types. It's the ultimate gut check. Is the name one that people might enter directly into their Web browser, bypassing the search engine box entirely, as Ham wants? Is it better in plural or singular form? If it's a typo, is it a mistake a lot of people would make? Or does the name, like a stunning beachfront property, just feel like a winner?

When Ham wants a domain, he leans over and quietly instructs an associate to bid on his behalf. He likes wedding names, so his guy lifts the white paddle and snags Weddingcatering.com for $10,000. Greeting.com is not nearly as good as the plural Greetings.com, but Ham grabs it anyway, for $350,000.

Ham is a devout Christian, and he spends $31,000 to add Christianrock.com to his collection, which already includes God.com and Satan.com. When it's all over, Ham strolls to the table near the exit and writes a check for $650,000. It's a cheap afternoon.

Just a few years ago, most of the guys bidding in this room had never laid eyes on one another. Indeed, they rarely left their home computers. Now they find themselves in a Vegas ballroom surrounded by deep-pocketed bankers, venture-backed startups, and other investors trying to get a piece of the action.

And why not? In the past three years alone, the number of dotcom names has soared more than 130 percent to 66 million. Every two seconds, another joins the list.

But the big money is in the aftermarket, where the most valuable names -- those that draw thousands of pageviews and throw off steady cash from Google's and Yahoo's pay-per-click ads -- are driving prices to dizzying heights. People who had the guts and foresight to sweep up names shed during the dotcom bust are now landlords of some of the most valuable real estate on the Web. (more)

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